A ‘Round Table Dialogues’ for peace in South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo is due to take place in Rome. The forum, which is arranged by Solidarity with South Sudan and the Justice and Peace Commission Secretariat (JPIC), will be held at Pontifical University of the Urbaniana on 18th January 2018 at 4.00 pm.

The ongoing violence in South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo has caused Pope Francis to lead a prayer for peace in both countries on 23rd November 2017 in Rome, at St. Peter’s Basilica.

This time an invitation has been extended to men and women religious, and all those concerned with both countries, to participate in round table dialogues. The dialogues aim to promote actions of solidarity by “Building Peace Together”.

Solidarity with South Sudan, one of the organisers, informs that “participants will experience a sensitive and faith-filled panel discussion around the importance of being committed to personal peace, attentively living in peace and consciously maintaining peace”.

Three panellists, who are highly experienced on the two countries, have been invited to “discuss the root causes of these tragically conflict areas and help participants to explore concrete ways to accompany the analysis with meaningful action together”, adds Solidarity with South Sudan.

‘Round Table Dialogues’ for peace in South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo is an initiative of Solidarity with South Sudan and the Justice & Peace and Integrity of Creation Commission (JPIC). The event is hosted by The Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development in collaboration with various groups and universities.

Registration is done online on www.jpicroma.org

Please see programme below


Please note: With so many interested participants, this event has been relocated to a larger space; it will be held in the Aula Magna room at the Pontifical University of the Urbaniana. There is now no limit to the number of registrants. For additional registrations, please visit www.jpicroma.org. Persons who come will need to bring identification for the translation equipment. There will be simultaneous translations in English, French and Italian. Blessings on your spiritual journey during this New Year,

Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Commission

Solidarity with South Sudan


At the invitation of Pope Francis


Round Table Dialogues for South Sudan and Democratic Republic of the Congo



4.00 pm

Introduction: S. Em. R. Cardinal Peter Turkson

Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development

Prayer for Peace



4:30-5:10 pm

Moderator: John Ashworth, missionary in South Sudan, advisor to Bishops’ Conference and other Church Bodies

Documentary: “People of South Sudan Speak Out and Build Peace”

Peace Initiatives through Education and Solidarity in Conflict

Margaret Scott, RNDM

Principal, Solidarity Teacher Training College, engaged in South Sudan Project for 10 years.

Pastoral Considerations to Enable the Healing and Reconciliation Needed to Live in Peace

Bishop Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala of Tombura-Yambio

President of the Sudan Catholic Bishops Conference (SCBC)

Importance of Constitutional Law to Promote Justice and Human Rights

Prof. Giovanni M. Flick

President Emeritus of the Italian Constitutional Court and Professor Emeritus of Criminal Law

5:30-5:50 pm  

Chorale Bondeko, of the Congolese Catholic Chaplaincy in Rome



5:50-6:30 pm

Moderator: Michel Roy, Secretary General of Caritas Internationalis,

30 years experience in humanitarian and development work

Documentary: “People of the DRC Speak Out and Build Peace”

Compassionate Presence with Survivors, Families and Abusers in Situations of Sexual Abuse in Areas of Conflict

Fr. Bernard Ugeux, M. Afr

Missionary in DRC for 20 years, spiritual guide, human rights activist

Challenges of the Church to Promote Active Nonviolence, Respectful Dialogue and to Live in Just Peace

Archbishop Marcel Utembi Tapa of Kisangani

President of the Catholic Church’s National Episcopal Conference of the Cong

Importance of International Law in Decisions to Promote Human Rights with Examples from Cases on Sexual Abuse and Child Soldiers

Prof. Jane Adolphe

From the Vatican Secretariat of State, Relations with States


6:50-7:00 pm

Closing summary remarks by S. Em. R. Cardinal Peter Turkson

Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development

Choir Bondeko: Salve Regina


7:30 pm

Reception with refreshments and informal conversation


Register Online on www.jpicroma.org