30 March 2017 – A large crowd of faithful gathered in St. Theresa’s Cathedral in Juba to mourn the former Provincial of the Sacred Heart Sisters, Sr. Roser Jane Adyero, who passed away on Saturday 25th March 2017 in Kampala, Uganda.
The body of Sr. Jane Adyero was brought to Juba this Wednesday 29th March. Mourners spent the night in vigil prayer for Sr. Rose Jane in the Cathedral of Juba.
Sr. Rose Jane’s coffin in the Cathedral in Juba
A Requiem Mass was celebrated this morning and attended by a large crowd, including a good number of Religious people of various Congregations, and also a good number of priests, besides family members of Late Sr. Jane. The Eucharist was presided over by the Auxiliary Bishop of Juba, Santo Loku Pio Doggale.
Sr. Rose Jane Adyero died due to bodily injures she sustained after a motorcycle road accident in Magwi County occurred on 3rd January 2017. After the accident she was rushed to Kampala for treatment where she unfortunately passed away last week.
Rose Jane Adyero joined the Congregation of the Sacred Heart Sisters when she was very young. She professed her final Religious Vows in 1986 and served the Church in the Archdiocese of Juba and also in Khartoum for many years.
The Archbishop of Juba, Paolino Lukudu Loro, sent his condolences to the Congregation of the Sacred Heart Sisters and to the family of Late Sr. Rose J. Adyero and lamented the tragic loss of another young Church personnel in South Sudan.
Requiem Mass for Sr. Rose Jane in Juba’s Cathedral
In his homily Bp. Santo Loku Pio recalled the words of the Apostle Paul to the Romans: “If we live, we live for the Lord; so that alive or dead, we belong to the Lord. This explains why Christ both died and came to life. It is so that he might be Lord both of the dead and of the living” (Romans 14:7-9).
The presiding Bishop also stressed that Sr. Rose Jane “died for her people” and “doing the will of God”. “What was a woman holding a Master Degree doing riding on a motorcycle on an insecure countryside road? She was serving, she was doing the will of God, as a consecrated woman”, said Bp. Santo Pio.
At the end of the Requiem Mass, in a very moving moment, all nun members of the Sacred Heart Sisters gathered around the coffin of Sr. Rose Jane to say good bye to one of their best members, which they did by singing a hymn to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Mother General Mary Daniel Abud addressing the faithful
Mother General of the Sacred Heart Sisters, Mary Daniel Abud, thanked all who expressed their condolences and prayers for Sr. Rose Jane Adyero, her family and Congregation, and encouraged all the members of her Congregation to move on with confidence in the Lord.
After the final blessings the body of Sr. Jane Adyero was taken to be laid to rest in the cemetery of Rejaf.